California Day School Facing Discrimination Allegations

Workplace discrimination and wrongful terminations often go hand in hand. In California, these actions are illegal and courts often come down hard on those found guilty of perpetrating these offenses. Two such cases of alleged discrimination and wrongful termination are moving through the courts now and involve two former staffers who worked at the Ronald C. Wornick Jewish Day School in Foster City. Both have filed separate lawsuits, alleging age discrimination and wrongful termination.

The lawsuits were filed by two women, ages 77 and 61, who were dismissed from their jobs last May and July respectively. Each has named the head of school, the school itself, and the board of directors as defendants. The suits were filed in San Mateo County Superior Court on July 20 and on October 24.

In both suits, it is claimed that the head of the school (as well as other defendants) discriminated against the plaintiffs on the basis of national origin. Both plaintiffs also allege they were discriminated against because of their ages. According to one of the complaints, several other school employees were dismissed in recent months, all of whom were over the age of 40 with some of those positions later filled by younger workers.

While this case makes its way through the legal system, other employees may be in need of assistance when it comes to wrongful termination(s). California state and the federal government have set up rules and policies to deal with these types of action. Workers do not have to tolerate discrimination in the workplace.

Source: The J Weekly, “Two staffers file wrongful termination suits against Wornick school,” Dan Pine, Nov. 17, 2011