Ex-warriors Employee Sues Team, Player For Harassment

The former director of community relations for the Golden State Warriors is suing one of the team’s players for alleged harassment. She has also named two co-executive chairmen, a general manager, and a human resources director in the lawsuit, saying the team did not protect her against harassment, retaliation and wrongful termination. Other charges were listed as well.

The woman says the player harassed her by texting her inappropriate messages, including a photograph of his genitals. The filing says he used a secret cellphone that belonged to the team’s equipment manager to send messages. The harassment allegedly started last year and lasted for several months.

When the woman told the team that a reporter had contacted her about the player, she was fired nine days later on Aug. 5, according to the lawsuit. During the month of December, the player allegedly complained about the woman’s work performance, leading a warning. Fearing retaliation, the woman felt she needed to “humor” the player. According to the lawsuit, the team has condoned and covered up other sexual harassment situations, even encouraging them at times.

On top of the player’s actions, the lawsuit details that his wife called the woman and told her she knew about the player’s secret phone. The wife later told team executives she wanted the director fired. During a game in January of this year, the player’s wife allegedly pushed the ex-employee into a wall.

In mid-February, the then-director of community relations was offered what she calls a bribe. She said she was encouraged to resign or take money.

As a result of these actions, the former employee says she suffered a heart-related medical issue in March. More information about the lawsuit, such as what monetary value she is seeking, was not released.

Source: Fox News, “Woman sues Ellis, Warriors for harassment,” Dec. 21, 2011