Former Head Of Yosemite Cited As Disparaging Females

A report released by the Department of the Interior on Monday, April 10, 2017, accuses Yosemite National Park’s former superintendent of having created both a hostile and discriminatory work environment for the park’s female employees. The department’s Inspector General cites having interviewed at least 71 park employees that were able to corroborate the allegations.

In the department’s report, many of the park’s employees interviewed cited that they overheard the 37-year veteran of the park service making condescending comments about his employees and their abilities. During his seven years in one of the top leadership roles at the park, employees reported having overheard him refer to their peers as “lazy,” “bozo,” or “stupid”. Of all of the comments he is alleged to have made, most were directed at his female employees.

At the same time he is accused of having belittled some female employees, he’s also accused of having given preferential treatment to others. In one case, he is alleged to have given one female employee two increases in pay grade within a span of just three short years. He is believed to have also given her a birthday gift, which was a fitness tracking device, and an even more expensive $700 gift when she left her job at the park altogether.

This case of sex discrimination in the workplace, and particularly at a national park, is unfortunately not all that uncommon. Leadership at the Grand Canyon is currently facing similar accusations as well.

If you or someone you know has been discriminated against by a supervisor in the workplace, a Sacramento, California, sexual harassment attorney can provide advice in your legal matter.

Source: KQED, “Probe Criticizes Management Style of Former Head of Yosemite,” April 11, 2017