Learn How To Handle Retaliation And Wrongful Termination

Facing a situation at work that makes you uncomfortable doesn’t make doing your job easy. When that situation is something that is illegal, you might opt to speak out against it. In the case of sexual harassment, you might opt to file a complaint with the appropriate person in your company. In the case of illegal actions by your employer, such as federal law violations, you might opt to contact the appropriate agency to file a report. It is vital that you understand your what rights you have after you take action against the issues.

One important point that you have to understand is that you can’t be subjected to retaliation or wrongful termination. This means that your employer can’t fire you, demote you, or take other adverse actions against you because of the complaints you filed.

We know that speaking out against a co-worker, manager or employer isn’t easy. Still, if there are things going on that shouldn’t be going on, you should speak out. We can help you learn about your options for filing complaints. We can also help you to learn how to protect your interests once you make a complaint.

You should understand that you can’t slack off on your job after you file a complaint. If your employer takes adverse action against you because of a valid reason, your employer is within their rights. The only way that you can file a claim regarding retaliation or wrongful termination is if the action your employer takes is because of the complaint you filed.

We can look into your case to help you learn what options you have for dealing with the adverse actions. You don’t have to face the situation by yourself.