Medi-cal Worker Alleges Sexual Harassment

A former employee of the public health plan that administers Medi-Cal in Ventura County, California, is suing her employer for retaliation and wrongful termination. The woman was reportedly subjected to a hostile work environment during her tenure at Gold Coast Health Plan, according to the suit, which alleges that the organization’s CEO made sexual advances without the woman’s consent.

The woman said the company’s chief executive repeatedly sent her sexual texts and emails. He is accused of pulling the woman behind a building and physically accosting her during a business lunch. Even more shocking, the lawsuit documents allege that the man spanked the woman while they were both alone in an elevator.

The woman reported these incidents to supervisors at the health plan, but those people refused to assist her. She then reached out to the human resources department that oversaw contract employees at her job, but those administrators made her wait two weeks for a meeting. Even after bringing the initial allegations, the woman faced significant resistance from human resources personnel until she produced documents that had been sent to her from the CEO.

Media reports show that the woman suffered a variety of ill health effects because of the harassment, including weight loss, nausea and fainting. The woman even had to call an ambulance because of the severity of her symptoms on one occasion.

These allegations come on the heels of another lawsuit that alleged inappropriate behavior toward two other Gold Coast employees. Those workers said they were unfairly laid off in violation of the state’s whistleblower protection acts. The women were reportedly terminated after they reported pervasive sexual harassment and financial mismanagement throughout the organization.

People who have faced hostile work environments because of unscrupulous bosses deserve financial compensation because of their experience. If you have been a victim of sexual harassment, you could qualify for financial reimbursement.

Source: Ventura County Star, “Former employee of local Medi-Cal plan alleges sexual harassment,” Tom Kisken, March 7, 2013