Retaliatory Actions Can Be Difficult To Spot

Some people don’t speak out against illegal behaviors where they work because they are afraid of being fired, demoted or retaliated against at work. The fact of the matter is that these actions might happen, but they are illegal. Employers are forbidden from taking retaliatory actions against an employee who makes complaints about the company as long as the complaints are factual. We know that facing the prospect of losing your job because you speak up against illegal actions might be unnerving. We can help you to understand your rights and the options you have to handle the situation.

There are some instances in which retaliatory actions might be difficult to notice. You might be moved to a different shift or to a new position. The employer might claim that they have a valid reason for the move. If the move is made strictly because you make a complaint about sexual harassment or some other illegal action, the move is considered retaliation.

Another example is if you are passed over for a promotion. It can be very difficult to prove that you didn’t get the promotion just because of the complaint you filed. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take action regarding the retaliation.

When we work with you, we investigate your case to discover the truth. When we find the truth, we can help you to go through the possible actions you can take. As your case moves through the appropriate system, we work to ensure that your side of the incident is accurately conveyed and that your interests are protected.