San Diego Mayor Accused Of Harassment By Third Woman

A third woman has come forward with allegations of sexual harassment in the workplace after she said the mayor of San Diego attempted to kiss her. The woman alleges the mayor took the inappropriate actions while he was a congressman. The alleged misdeeds occurred during a meeting at a restaurant. Even though the man said he intends to fight against the sexual harassment charges, he did indicate he needed help to improve his behavioral issues.

The woman was lobbying for her nonprofit organization during the April 2009 meeting at the Marie Callender’s Restaurant & Bakery across the street from the man’s offices. The woman’s project, known as America’s Angel Campaign, works to prevent domestic violence among military and other families. Documents allege the man moved over to the woman’s side of the booth, pushing her against the wall and embracing her. He then attempted to kiss her several times before he was interrupted by a ringing cell phone.

Even though she was uncomfortable with the man’s actions, the woman did not report the incident because she was afraid the nonprofit would suffer if she complained. Instead, she told her close friends about the incident. Then, when she heard other victims had come forward about the man, she broke the news over a victim’s hotline.

At least two other women have been vocal about their experiences with the mayor, including a woman who accuses him of patting her rear end during a fundraising event. That woman demanded, but never received, an apology from the politician. She, too, failed to report the incident because she feared backlash on her budding political career.

If you have been sexually harassed at work, you should know that you have the right to a safe, healthy workplace without the fear of unwanted advances. Reporting such incidents is not only ethical, but it is responsible. Even if you are afraid of retaliation, your attorney can help you stand strong. Consider help from a qualified employment lawyer to help you win your case against your unfair employer.

Source:, “3rd woman accuses San Diego mayor of sexual harassment” Michael Martinez & Chuck Johnston, Jul. 24, 2013