San Diego Mayor Accused Of Sexual Harassment

Two former supporters of the mayor of San Diego have brought official sexual harassment allegations against the man. The pair is calling for the mayor, Bob Filner, to resign his post, even as another supporter has also written a letter seeking the man’s departure.

The letters were drafted by high-profile political and legal personalities in the region. One writer, a former councilwoman with the city, had served as Filner’s director of open government until just a few months ago. In her letter, she claimed to have heard numerous stories of Filner perpetuating a hostile work environment by sexually harassing women in his employ. Even though the woman had previously heard rumors about the sexual harassment, she attempted to justify the claims until the evidence simply became too overwhelming. Now, the councilwoman says she has heard too many stories from too many credible sources to not believe the allegations.

Another concerned citizen, a civil attorney, wrote a letter to the mayor that demanded his resignation after his treatment of all employees, but especially the women. The lawyer expressed his belief that the man is unlikely to change his management style to comply with state and federal law. As a result, he believes Filner must be called on to resign. That attorney is the brother of an assemblywoman who is also the head of several labor councils.

Finally, another attorney who is also an open government advocate has called on the mayor to resign. That man threatened to stop important commercial expansion of a convention center and the revitalization of the city’s Tourism Marketing District if the mayor did not step down. Even though the man said he is largely aligned with the mayor’s political decisions, he said he could not abide the rumors of sexual harassment that have been flying throughout the California city.

Even elected public officials can be guilty of sexually harassing their workers. If you are the employee of a politician who has mistreated his or her employees, you do not have to suffer in silence. Consider seeking the advice of a qualified employment attorney. These professionals can help you get the money you deserve after you are sexually harassed.

Source:, “Mayor accused of sexual harassment, asked to step down” No author given, Jul. 11, 2013