San Diego Settles Sexual Harassment In The Workplace Claim

The city of San Diego, California, is slated to drop $250,000 to settle an employment lawsuit filed against the former mayor. Mayor Bob Filner was accused of sexual harassment in the workplace, according to the suit, which was filed by his former communications director. Additional harassment suits are also being filed by two other women, though a total of 18 female employees stepped forward with complaints against Filner. He resigned his post amid the allegations in late August.

The 71-year-old ex-mayor will have his legal fees paid by the city. Further, he will not be held personally responsible for the financial compensation due to the plaintiff; California law requires cities to pay victims of sexual harassment by a supervisor. The plaintiff in this case sought the aforementioned amount because she suffered ongoing conduct for six months, according to news reports. The woman accused Filner of a variety of harassment allegations, including inappropriate comments and unwelcome physical contact.

Experts say the city settled the case in order to avoid continued, expensive litigation. Officials estimate that legal fees in the case could easily have eclipsed the $250,000 handed down by the city. Even though the former mayor will not pay for the plaintiff’s settlement, he is facing some serious consequences; Filner was sentenced to three months of home confinement after pleading guilty to criminal charges of false imprisonment and battery.

Victims of sexual harassment in the workplace may be compensated for their discomfort and emotional distress. These victims deserve to be repaid for the trials they have endured in the workplace. California employment attorneys may be able to help such workers learn more about their legal rights, allowing them to make informed decisions about their own harassment cases.

Source: The Huffington Post, “San Diego To Pay $250,000 To Settle Bob Filner Lawsuit” Julie Watson, Feb. 10, 2014