What Are The New Sexual Harassment Laws For Farm Workers?

Sexual harassment has historically been a problem for people who work in the agricultural industry in California. In a move that will help to keep agricultural workers protected, farm labor contractors will be required to comply with some new changes that have recently gone into effect. All of our readers who have any part in the agricultural industry should know about these changes.

What are the new regulatory changes?

The person who has the farm labor contractor license has to go through a minimum of one hour each year of training about sexual harassment prevention. All supervisors have to complete a statement that confirms they haven’t been found to have committed sexual harassment in the past three years. License holders who have been found to have committed sexual harassment can lose their license if that confirmation occurred in the previous three years. All workers have to have training for sexual harassment prevention.

When do these changes go into effect?

These changes are already in effect. They officially went into effect on Jan. 1, 2015, in accordance with Senate Bill 1087. With these changes already in effect, farm workers and everyone in the agricultural industry should be ready to have the necessary training.

Anyone in this industry who is the victim of sexual harassment can take a stand against the harassment. You don’t have to deal with it, stay quiet and let it continue. Instead, you can speak up for yourself and help to put an end to sexual harassment that has plagued the industry for way too long.

Source: Ag Professional, “Calif. requiring more sexual harassment training” accessed Jan. 16, 2015