Woman Fired For Having Premarital Sex

A former employee of a local Bible college is filing a wrongful termination suit after she claims she was fired for having premarital sex. The woman, who had worked in the financial aid department at San Diego Christian College in El Cajon, Calif., became pregnant out of wedlock during her time at the school. She was fired about four months ago, according to media reports.

The woman, who is currently six months pregnant, said the school took away her livelihood at the time she needed it the most. She also contends that her husband, who had been her boyfriend when she got pregnant, received entirely different treatment from the school administration. He was offered a job by school officials, even though they were aware that he had also had premarital sex that led to pregnancy.

The school is arguing that the woman’s employment contract allows them to fire her. The woman apparently signed a covenant when she began to work at the school. That document prohibits employees and students from so-called “sexually immoral” behavior, which includes homosexuality, premarital sex and the use of pornography. San Diego Christian College contends that the contract allows them to fire employees who have extramarital intercourse.

Attorneys for the woman say the school’s policy clearly violates state law and the California Constitution, despite the presence of the community covenant. The school’s rules clearly discriminate against women, according to legal experts, because a pregnant woman was fired, while a man who had also had premarital sex was courted.

The woman in this case could pursue civil claims against the school, including loss of income and back pay. She could also look to be reinstated into her old position. Furthermore, civil court claims could include pain and suffering and emotional distress, especially since the woman is approaching her due date and remains unemployed.

It is not clear how much money the woman is seeking in compensatory and punitive damages.

Source: Fox 6 WBRC, “Woman claims she was fired for having pre-marital sex,” Feb. 18, 2013.