Employment Law Advocacy Results In $1 Million For Harassed Women

Sexual harassment cases are not reserved for the corporate world. In fact, a vast number of people suffer sexual harassment in the workplace — people in all walks of life, and in all manners of career. It doesn’t matter whether you live in California or elsewhere in the country, sexual harassment does not discriminate.

Recently, a judge in North Dakota awarded a $1 million settlement to a group of women who claimed they had been victims of sexual harassment by a supervisor in their workplace.

The initial complaints were filed by a group of five women, but those five amounted to a mere tip of the iceberg. Not long after the initial filing, the group grew to a total of 17 women with similar complaints against a manager at the Bismarck South Applebee’s restaurant. Court documents state that the women had been exposed to pornography, humiliating and demeaning sexual commentary, as well as jokes of a sexual nature. The lawsuit also indicated that the manager in question had pressured one woman into granting him a sexual favor so she could obtain a raise.

Legal representatives for the women brought to light the fact that this case is a prime example of the difficulties women face in the workplace. Not only that, but these difficulties are present even within some of the nation’s finest and most reputable companies. California residents who feel they’ve been victimized by sexual harassment in the workplace should take heart in knowing that the American justice system is designed to protect people from such instances.

No matter where you work or who you are, you should not have to suffer the perils of a hostile work environment. Legal counsel experienced in employment law may be able to provide guidance and a list of options for obtaining justice in the midst of a difficult situation.

Source: The Insurance Journal, “EEOC Settles North Dakota Sexual Harassment Lawsuit,” Blake Nicholson, Sept. 06, 2011