Former California Cop Claims She Was Sexually Harassed

History is rife with incidences of discrimination and persecution against women. And while it is now the year 2011, women are still often subject to sexual harassment in the workplace and gender discrimination that can lead to a hostile work environment.

According to a recent news report, a former Oakland Raiders cheerleader has filed a lawsuit in Sacramento for ostracism and gender-based harassment while working as a police officer for the city of Vacaville, California.

A number of allegations surfaced in the lawsuit; among them, the reported statement made by a superior indicating that the former Raiderette should not attempt to exercise in the department and gym because her appearance would draw unwanted attention.

The woman also claims that, on one occasion, a police sergeant requested a show of hands from officers who harbored a desire to see her in the nude. She purportedly suffered similar instances of harassment on a regular basis, the lawsuit alleged.

The woman now seeks $1.5 million from the city of Vacaville, the police chief, a retired police lieutenant and 25 other individuals in the sexual harassment suit.

Reportedly, following a need for modified duty in 2007 (as a result of purportedly deliberate injuries sustained during a tactics training class), the woman denied a request for medical retirement and continued to suffer through a hostile work environment and constant sexual harassment in the workplace.

The woman also claims that she was retaliated against after she complained about the discrimination and sexual harassment when the County District Attorney’s Office filed criminal charges against her for insurance fraud related to a medical claim.

The woman’s legal counsel filed her lawsuit with the U.S. District Court in Sacramento mid-August. It will be interesting to see how this case evolves.

No one should be subjected to discrimination based on sex, age, or otherwise. Individuals who feel they’ve been victim to a hostile work environment because of discrimination or sexual harassment may be entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering they’ve endured.

Source: Times-herald, “Ex-Raiderette sues Vacaville–claims she was harassed as a cop,” Ryan Chalk, Aug 19, 2011